Cellulite treatment

For millions of women worldwide…

Cellulite is a major aesthetic problem. Unlike normal fat, cellulite cannot be eliminated with exercise and diet. In fact, it often worsens over time.

But there is a safe, non-invasive way to significantly improve the appearance of anesthetized cellulite in the form of acoustic cell therapy (AWT).

AWT uses an oscillating acoustic sound wave to create a rapid pulsed motion on the surface of the skin.

Reduces the stretching and implementation of connective tissue that causes cellulite. It also stimulates the nerves, enhances blood circulation to the tissues and starts the production of collagen.

This results in stronger, smoother skin and a noticeable reduction in cellulite.

It is an indisputable fact that this problem affects 85-98% of women of all races, ages and sizes.

Because it is not usually related to body weight, even thin women can suffer.


AWT is suitable for:

  • Reduction of local fat and cellulite
  • Skin toning
  • Tightening and rejuvenating the skin

How does it work

Unlike many cosmetic treatments, AWT does not damage the tissues, but allows the body’s natural healing process to accelerate recovery from the multiple problems that contribute to cellulite.

Acoustic wave therapy (AWT) uses ultrasound pulses and a mechanical massage procedure. Specifically:

  • It targets fat cells specific problematic areas without affecting the surrounding tissue.
  • With specific intermittent vibrations of the connective tissue it tries to stabilize and smooth the skin.
  • Improves the circulatory system, which involves the immediate absorption of nutrients and elimination of toxins.
  • It restores the elasticity of the connective tissue and as a reaction to the healing process, collagen is produced and the skin becomes firmer.

What causes cellulite

There are many complex biological factors that affect its formation in women.

One of the key factors in its appearance includes the underlying structure and the relationship of fatty tissue to connective tissue.

Other factors that play a role in its formation include pregnancy, genetic factors, hormonal changes, aging, decreased circulation and decreased lymphatic drainage.

Cellulite is formed in the superficial layer of fat.

When fibrous tissue is formed around the fat cells, they are pressed and projected outwards, so they are not able to function normally.

The fibrous tissue traps fluids, reduces blood circulation and lymphatic microcirculation, resulting in the gradual rigid implantation of the surrounding connective tissue.

This strengthened tissue is weakened in areas prone to cellulite. Enlarged fat cells protrude into the skin, pulling down on the skin and causing the skin surface to look unattractive.


AWT provides very satisfactory results after 12 one hour sessions (once or twice a week).

These include a visible reduction in the appearance of cellulite and improved stability and texture in difficult cases may need to be combined with other methods such as mesotherapy.

Some clinics in the USA have reported a success rate of 98%. The results last six to twelve months but then limited maintenance sessions and additional proper nutrition, hydration and exercise are required to promote the results.

Key features & benefits

• AWT treatment is painless and non-invasive
• Minimal discomfort - some patients experience redness of the skin during the procedure, but usually describe the treatment as a "strong pleasant massage"
• It is a safe and effective treatment
• There are no side effects

More Information on Cellulite

Cellulite is a common aesthetic deformity that occurs in the buttocks and thighs of women after adolescence. It occurs in 98% of women and due to the absence of a nosological correlation is considered primarily an aesthetic problem.

The pathogenetic mechanism remains unclear. However, it seems that there is a genetic predisposition and hormonal background in the appearance of cellulite since it occurs almost exclusively in women after adolescence and worsens with pregnancy and menopause.

The main problem is that we do not know the pathogenesis of cellulite so we cannot directly target the problem.

Another problem is that any medical or aesthetic intervention must be combined with other measures such as specific diet, exercise, smoking cessation, water intake, so we do not know for sure where the improvement is due and with what percentage each factor contributes to improvement.

Cellulite is usually seen on the thighs, buttocks, knees and arms. Women are affected much more often by cellulite than men.

Cellulite rarely occurs in men, usually in combination with hypoandrogenemia.

The term “cellulite” refers to the deposition of fat and water between the skin and just below the layer, which is accompanied by reduced elasticity of connective tissue and has the characteristic form of “orange peel” on the skin.

It is created by poor local perspiration, which results in the fat cells of that area not being well nourished. So instead of rebuilding and burning fat, the body sends it to be stored in those fat cells that need it most to be fed.

This abnormal accumulation of fat leads these fat cells to increase in volume, thus compressing the blood vessels, blocking the exchange of substances and exacerbating the problem of microcirculation.

There are three types:

a) Fatty Cellulite – Solid Cellulite (Hard)
b) Edematous Cellulite – Soft Cellulite
c) Fibrous Cellulite

The appearance of cellulite as already mentioned above is a result of poor circulatory function, excessive deposition of fat in the subcutaneous connective tissue, due to the accumulation of estrogen that attracts fat cells to the surface of the skin.

The problem starts with microcirculatory and vascular problems and the aseptic inflammation of the subcutaneous fat that follows completes its picture.

The grades areι:
  • Grade 0: Absence of visual effect even with a pinching (pressure)
  • Grade 1: Presence of visual phenomenon only with pinching(pressure)
  • Grade 2: Presence in standing position – Absence in lying down
  • Grade 3: Presence in standing and lying position
Stage 1

Cellulite is formed when the microcirculation of blood, the elimination of lymphatic waste and the venous flow in the subcutaneous layer of the skin are degraded or destroyed. If there is a problem with blood flow, microcirculation or lymphatic drainage, the surrounding tissues will certainly be weakened and prone to the development of cellulite.

In addition, blood and fluids can also be trapped in the area due to the problem of drainage function. As a result, the tissues in this area may begin to become fibrous.


Stage 2

As poor circulation continues, the veins and capillary vessels begin to weaken and become damaged. In fact, the blood probably flows from the damaged veins to the nearby tissues.

As a result, the problem with drainage and circulation is exacerbated by increased pressure or pressure on the surrounding skin tissues. Discoloration of the skin, light bruising and sagging of certain areas may be visible at this stage.


Stage 3

The initial stages of inflammation begin to be visible on the skin at this stage. As the lymphatic drainage is damaged for an extended period of time, the fatty tissues in the area swell and begin to press on the skin.


Stage 4

At this stage, the fibrous septa, which are caused by poor circulation and drainage problems, will begin to thicken and form fibers. In addition, cells that have been deprived of nutrients and oxygen due to poor circulation begin to fuse with fibers, making them even thicker and harder.

At this stage, fat begins to be trapped between the fibers. In addition to the appearance of small cavities, at this stage we feel some areas of our body colder.


Stage 5

At this stage, in addition to the continuous development of fibrous septa, poor blood circulation worsens as well as the increased pressure in the area. There are more fat cells that will be trapped in the fiber that forms under the skin.

Unfortunately, despite exercise and diet, the fat cells trapped between these fat fibers are not used efficiently or converted into energy. In this phase, the cellular structure of the skin is formed consisting of trapped fat cells, fibers and fluid retention. At this stage cellulite becomes very visible.

The best treatment for cellulite is the one that has the best result for our cellulite. Whether it’s called a machine, or mesotherapy, or exercise or diet, or all of that together.

The most modern treatment against cellulite and local thickening
is the technology of acoustic wave therapy (AWT).

But how does acoustic wave therapy work?
  • Initially high-energy sound waves are transmitted to the human body in the form of high-frequency oscillations / vibrations.
  • AWT technology allows these waves to be focused at a specific depth and texture.
  • Depths are determined by the different heads provided by the cellulite machine.
  • Wave absorption (AWT) stimulates a series of biochemical reactions with multiple benefits in neurological, orthopedic diseases and now in aesthetic medicine.

The detailed selection in the depth of penetration and the stimulation of the tissues through the waves have multiple positive effects on the improvement of the appearance of the skin.

– Reduce intracellular edema (inflammation)
– Restore lymphatic circulation
– ΑIncrease perspiration
– Increase microcirculation
– Activate cellular metabolism and restore collagen

Acoustic wave therapy has excellent results in:
  • Cellulite control
  • Tightening of muscle and connective tissue
  • Decongestion and elimination of lymph
  • Body contour sculpting

The treatment of cellulite with mesotherapy aims at delivering specific components to the skin through injections, ingredients, which cannot penetrate through the creams.

Mesotherapy solutions contain substances that cause lipolysis, decongestion, hyperemia and collagen production. Some of these substances are caffeine, various amino acids, antioxidants and vitamins.

The treatment is painless as it is preceded by the application of a local anesthetic cream.

Body mesotherapy is indicated for cases:

  • Local fat
  • Cellulite
  • Looseness
  • Stretch marks

At Aboutskin we use only mixtures and substances approved for injectable use classified as CLASS III INJECTABLE.

The results vary depending on the type of mesotherapy and the goal we have. They are generally visible after the third session and last as long as they are combined with proper nutrition and exercise.

Maintenance treatments are always needed after the basic protocol.

Anti-cellulite creams act superficially to make cellulite less visible and in no case treat it at its root. The ingredients contained in the creams help to make the skin smoother and more durable therefore to some extent temporarily reduce the problem.

No treatment alone brings the desired result. Everything works synergistically and every means of improvement has its value.

Contact us for your appointment